Projects Sub-Saharan Africa

World Food Programme (WFP) Liberia Country Strategy Development

WFP Liberia | World Food Programme (WFP) | Jun 2011

InterWorks assisted in the development of the WFP Liberia Country Strategy Document (CSD) covering the period (2011-2015) in alignment with national development priorities as outlined in the Liberian Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS), the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme, Liberia Agriculture Sector Investment Programme, other national frameworks and policies and the joint UN efforts in Liberia through the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF).

The purpose of WFP-Liberia’s Country Strategy is to outline and articulate WFP’s programme roles and priorities for a five year period. The strategy is based on an analysis of Liberia’s post war reconstruction efforts, the current food security situation, development partners’ programmes and WFP Liberia’s ongoing programmes. InterWorks facilitated the process and collected data and stakeholder perspectives through the conduct of several stakeholder workshops held in Monrovia with various Government of Liberia, donor governments, UN agencies and NGO partners working in Liberia.

The workshops, interviews, document review and other information gathering and analysis resulted in a country strategy document that presents a road map that outlines how WFP can best contribute to sustained recovery of food security and nutrition for the people of Liberia.