Examples of Evaluation Projects

InterWorks offers a state of the art approach to evaluation of humanitarian and development programs, based on extensive research used to develop a training course How to Evaluate Humanitarian Action. This course evolved through collaboration with ALNAP (Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance which is supported by 80 donors and assistance organizations) and in running workshops with ODI, WHO and John Hopkins SAIS and the Cuny Center. As a result of this learning experience, we are able to promote development of a high quality TOR, apply the OECD-DAC criteria, help develop realistic evaluation questions that will serve the needs of the organization, and design a feedback process to examine findings in the ways most useful to stakeholders.
In supporting organizations for evaluation of their programs and projects, InterWorks aims to involve all stakeholders, including targeted and disaster-affected people, to ensure that their opinions are factored into the analyses. We are well-versed in the key elements needed for a successful evaluation process, team leadership, team work, facilitation and high-quality reporting. We possess skills needed for verifiable data collection in terms of sampling design, interview techniques and tools, and data analysis with consideration for confidentiality. We offer in-depth knowledge of international standards of assistance as well as other critical evaluation areas such as assessment and monitoring. We approach evaluations with sensitivity to issues of gender, vulnerability, participation, coordination, partnership and coverage of needs. Evaluations we have managed cover diverse areas such as natural disaster mitigation, assistance to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), deployment of emergency response teams, transitions from relief to recovery, capacity development, human resources management, financial management, supply and logistics, food aid, shelter, mine action, emergency education, and child protection, among others.