Projects Asia & The Pacific

Training of Trainers

RedR Australia | Feb 2009

InterWorks conducted a Training of Trainers workshop for RedR Australia in Dookie, Australia from Feb 9-14, 2009. This workshop was designed to present the basics of participatory training and facilitation skills and methodology to a group of RedR Australia potential trainers. The intended outcome was to help build the capacity of RedR Australia’s training roster, and to provide by example and practice a baseline of acceptable behaviors and skills of the roster members. The workshop blended topics and skills practice sessions from the UNHCR eCentre “Designing Participatory Workshops” distance learning text, and from basic materials on core presentation and facilitation skills.

The trainee group included 21 Australian nationals from around the county, all of whom have had international field assignments in the humanitarian or development sector; attended at least one RedR Australia Course; and who have indicated interest and willingness to be on the training roster. The workshop focused on adult learning theory and practical tips for designing and delivering effective workshop training sessions. Workshop time was evenly divided between classroom presentation sessions and individual skills practice sessions. The workshop agenda was based on a structured approach to adult learning, starting with general principles and building from these to specific techniques and personal skills training and facilitation practice.

The workshop was designed to be highly participatory. The core skills practice sessions relied heavily on individual and small team practice training sessions which were videotaped and then played back for the participants along with commentary and advice for improvement from the facilitators as well as the other participants.

Almost all were new and I welcome the information! So rich and practical. The theoretical to practice process helped me more to be aware of myself and others and recognized not everything is about myself – much is about others too! But the techniques and tips provided were great to help me manage these factors outside of me.

– Workshop participant