United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Aug 2017
InterWorks conducted a Security Risk Management and Training of Trainers (SRM-ToT) workshop in support of the Japan NGO Initiative for Safety and Security (JaNISS). The SRM was attended by 27 participants and was held from 13-15 August 2017. The ToT was held from 15-17 August 2017 and was attended by 16 participants. Participants came from JICA and a range of Japanese NGOs with responsibilities for management of humanitarian and development program activities and/or staff security.
The workshop agenda was based on the existing eCentre 3-day SRM course but tailored to meet the stated needs of the Japanese NGOs and condensed to fit into the five-day requested time period, along with the Training of Trainers component. The workshop included a review of the security risk management process and a focus on security planning and critical incident management. The workshop facilitators delivered short presentations of key components of the overall SRM approach and participants had the opportunity to apply what they learned to a fictional case study country.
Thank you for all facilitators and organizers and participants!! Really worth attending this training!
– Workshop participant