Projects Asia & The Pacific

Security Risk Management (SRM) Workshop

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) | June-July 2016


InterWorks conducted the fourth regional security risk management capacity-building event in Bangkok, Thailand from 29 June- 1 July 2016.The 3-day workshop was attended by 33 participants responsible for management of humanitarian and development program activities and/or staff security in their operations in the Asia-Pacific region. Participants represented a mix of organizations including JICA, UNHCR, NGOs and government officials from 14 different countries within the Asia-Pacific region (as well as JICA staff based outside the region in Egypt, Iraq and Morocco).
The course focused on the overall security risk management (SRM) approach as well as specific tools and techniques, from initial threat assessment to mitigation of risk, security planning, and critical incident management. The course trainers provided short presentations of key components of the overall SRM approach and provided scenario-based, hands-on exercises in which each of the tools introduced could be explored, utilized and practiced. The core exercises were based on three different case countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Philippines. Participants were encouraged to reflect on key SRM activities they intend to implement following the workshop. JICA participants were required to develop and submit an action plan following the workshop.

Very much practical, helped me to be ready to go to high risk duty station. Thank you so much!

– Workshop participant

