United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Jun 2010
InterWorks conducted a three-day workshop in Tokyo, Japan on 15-17 June 2010 for 26 participants responsible for (or working in support of) staff security for their various organizations – JICA staff members, other Japanese government offices and various NGOs. The course focused on the overall security risk management (SRM) approach as well as specific tools and techniques, from initial threat assessment to mitigation of risk, security planning, and critical incident management. The course trainers provided short presentations of key components of the overall SRM approach and provided scenario-based hands-on exercises in which each of the tools introduced could be explored and practiced. The core exercises were based on three different case countries: Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, and Sudan. A few short and informal field case studies from the participants themselves were presented as time allowed.
This workshop is informative and educational as it adapts practical approaches by giving inside knowledge regarding overall safety & security. I will try to apply the acquired knowledge/skills for the same of JICA personnel’s safety and security.
– Workshop participant