United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Nov 2012
InterWorks conducted two Security Management Exercises (SMXs) in Kampala and Mbarara, Uganda for staff from offices and field units throughout the country from 7-14 November 2012. Additionally, nine Security Awareness Trainings (SATs) involving 77 UNHCR staff members were conducted at Field Offices, Field Units, Transit Centres and Sub-Offices across Western and Central Western Uganda were conducted from 15-29 November 2012.
The purpose of the SMX is for a UNHCR country team to walk through the UN Security Risk Assessment process step-by-step based on UNHCR’s operations in the specific country and its operating environment. Staff are trained on how to conduct the process and are able to identify specific follow-up activities that are needed in order to enhance the security risk management of their operations.
The SAT trainings were designed to focus on perceived capability gaps involving road incidents, criminal attacks and disputes / protests amongst beneficiaries or host community members. Individual session objectives and methodologies were developed by using InterWorks training materials as a baseline and then tailoring these to the specific environments of each UNHCR duty station. Activity options incorporated a wide variety of skills-based exercises, role-plays and flip chart discussions – all of which were conducted outdoors unless inclement weather made this unworkable. When time and resources allowed, workshop participants were also put through an experiential simulation to further practice taught concepts and techniques.
The facilitators for the all 3 days were really very good: open, positive, committed and smiling! And also always someone to help you. Thank you!
– Workshop participant