Safety in the Field (SIF): Operating in Complex Security Environments Exercise

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) | Jul 2018

InterWorks conducted the eCentre’s Safety In the Field: Operating in Complex Security Environments Exercise, co-sponsored by the UNHCR eCentre and JICA, in southern Thailand from 22-28 July 2018. It was held at the Suan Son Pradipat Hotel and Fort Dhanarajata (formerly Fort Thanarat) training post in Thailand, with support from the Royal Thai Army per their longstanding arrangement with the UNHCR eCentre. Read more

Leading and Facilitating Cross-Cultural Teams

Leadership Communication and Teams Workshops | ongoing


This customizable course is designed to enhance the ability of team leaders, facilitators, and managers to lead, facilitate and coach cross-cultural groups and global teams. Participants assess their cross-cultural competence, identify cultural biases and sources of cross-cultural misunderstanding which may undermine their effectiveness, and learn strategies and techniques to foster more productive meetings, workshops, communication, and discussions in cross-cultural settings, including in cross-cultural virtual environments. Read more

Workshop on Emergency Management (WEM)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Jun 2018


InterWorks facilitated a Workshop on Emergency Management (WEM) for UNHCR in Starum, Norway from 19-29 June 2018. Hosting arrangements for the WEM in Starum were financed by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in direct arrangement with the host institution with the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – or DSB – as the supporting host institution. Read more