United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Jan 2011
InterWorks co-facilitated the first Security Management Exercise (SMX) in Manila, Philippines for UNHCR staff from the Cotabato and Manila offices from 24-28 January 2011 in Manila, Philippines. The workshop consisted of a three-day SMX (modeled on the SMLP) and two days of follow-on training focused on specific security training needs of UNHCR staff in the Philippines. The purpose of the SMX was for a UNHCR country team to walk through the UN Security Risk Assessment process step-by-step based on UNHCR’s operations in the specific country and its operating environment. Staff were trained on how to conduct the process and to identify specific follow-up activities needed in order to enhance the security risk management of UNHCR operations.
Learning likelihood and impact of threats and how to reduce them was interesting and will be immediately applied in real work.
– Workshop participant