Projects Asia & The Pacific

Security Risk Management (SRM) Workshop

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) | Jul 2013

InterWorks conducted a three-day workshop in Bangkok, Thailand for participants responsible for humanitarian and development program activities in complex security environments, and with responsibilities related to staff security as well. The event took place from 15-17 July 2013, and included participants from a mix of organizations (JICA, UNHCR, NGOs and government officials) and from 15 different countries (mostly those in the region but also some JICA staff were working outside the region in Iraq, Malawi, Morocco and oPt).

The course focused on the overall security risk management (SRM) approach as well as specific tools and techniques, from initial threat assessment to mitigation of risk, security planning, and critical incident management. The course trainers provided short presentations of key components of the overall SRM approach and provided scenario-based, hands-on exercises in which each of the tools introduced could be explored and practiced. The core exercises were based on three different case countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan and Myanmar. In addition 12 participants presented short security-related case studies from countries where they work. These case studies allowed participants to share experiences in a more structured way and helped to illustrate key components of security risk management.

Very superb, excellent presentations. I liked the participatory sessions which gave us time to think and interact with presenters who were ably, professionally delivered and imparted knowledge and skills.

– Workshop participant