Projects Asia & The Pacific

Staff Safety and Security Workshop for the Japanese Red Cross Delegates

Japanese Red Cross Society | Nov 2007

InterWorks conducted a Staff Safety and Security workshop for Japanese Red Cross delegates. The workshop was held from 11-16 November 2007 in Wakayama City, Japan. This workshop was designed for Japanese Red Cross Society staff who find themselves working in humanitarian or development aid operations in dangerous areas or situations overseas, with a special emphasis for those who will join ICRC delegations in the field. All participants had some previous international experience and were able to share those experiences and ask questions pertaining to their previous field activities. It was conducted in English and included both international expert security trainers as well as national staff from the Japanese Red Cross. The workshop featured a highly participatory approach that included case-studies, role playing, brainstorming, analytical exercises, physical practice, and a daily update and analysis of a fictional case study scenario. The stated objective of the workshop was to increase the skills of the participants in the areas critical to their own safety and security while working in dangerous overseas missions.

It was a very informative workshop. Trainers have plentiful experiences, so that every tip they have given us was practical and useful. I enjoyed every moment in this workshop. Thank you so much!

– Workshop participant