Baptist Global Response (BGR) Oct 2012
InterWorks designed and facilitated the 3-Day Training of Trainers Course on Sphere workshop, held in Madison, Wisconsin October 15 – 17, 2012. InterWorks, in collaboration with Baptist Global Response (BGR), organized this concise 3 day training event with the aim of updating current BGR trainers on the new 2011 version of the Sphere Guide. This workshop was designed to present a highly participatory training approach and methodology to a group of experienced trainers from the BGR pool of trainers and other participants. The workshop made use of a specially designed workshop guide document for day to day instructions and short exercises, the 2011 Sphere Handbook, and also BGR materials which were evaluated by participants using the Sphere principles.
All topics were stressed as important with encouragement in the actual application in real life situations. Practical application!
– Workshop participant