Projects Asia & The Pacific

Workshop for Development of a Framework for South Asia Regional Standards for Emergency Relief Management

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Sep 2009

InterWorks facilitated a workshop for emergency relief management in Manesar, Haryana, India from 31 August to 4 September 2009. This workshop was the fourth in a series of Emergency and Disaster Management Workshops that UNHCR had conducted in South Asia. It was held in partnership with the SAARC Disaster Management Centre (SDMC), and was designed for senior government officials dealing with disaster management from the 8 SAARC countries and high level representatives from international /national NGOs based in Delhi. The workshop participants were tasked with providing inputs for the development of a framework for regional standards in emergency relief management to be produced by the SDMC.

Workshop themes included major disaster threats affecting the region; characteristics of disasters that displace large populations; standards- and rights-based approaches to disaster management; specific sectoral topics in disaster response; and coordination arrangements.

Brilliant work! Thank you SDMC & UNHCR. Very knowledgeable resource persons, simple & to the point presentation. Good learning experience for me!

– Workshop participant