Projects Asia & The Pacific

UNDAF Training of Trainers Workshop

United Nations System Staff College | United Nations Development Assistance Framework | Mar 2009

InterWorks facilitated the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) Asia Pacific Regional Training of Trainers Workshop in Bangkok, Thailand in March 2009. Key objectives for workshop participants included:
• Articulate new developments of the UN Common Country Programming Process (i.e., revised CCA/UNDAF guidelines and other UNDG change processes –as articulated in the 2007 TCPR Implementation Plan).
• Present the core messages of the key common programming principles (HRBA, RBM, Gender, Environmental Sustainability and Capacity Development) and enable UNCTs to integrate them into the UNDAFs.
• Support UNCTs and their partners as resource persons and co-facilitate UNDAF design workshops, strategic planning retreats and other initiatives related to increased coherence, effectiveness and relevance of UN System’s support at the country level.