Wisconsin Language Summit

University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) | Jan 2018

Charles Dufresne, InterWorks partner, facilitated the summit.
Charles Dufresne, InterWorks partner, facilitated the summit.

InterWorks facilitated the Wisconsin Language Summit held on January 26, 2018 at the Fluno Center in Madison. Stakeholders from Wisconsin’s business, human service, K-16 education, community, and government sectors gathered to identify the state’s current and future multilingual workforce needs. Read more

Energy Efficiency Program Innovation Workshop

| Sept 2016

Blue glowing hardware with particles, computer generated abstract background

Interworks designed and facilitated a strategic program innovation workshop bringing together key commercial building energy efficiency program leaders and staff to brainstorm, analyze and prioritize ideas that could potentially transform a U.S. based utility energy efficiency program resulting in greater energy savings and impact during the next 3-year program cycle. Read more