Projects Latin America & The Caribbean

Strategic Planning

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | Jan 2008

InterWorks facilitated the strategic prioritization retreat for the United Nations Country Team UNDAF process in Belize from 16-18 January 2008 in Placencia, Belize.

The overall purpose of this retreat was to review how all agencies within the UN System in Belize can best work together to address the priority development, security and human rights challenges facing the people of Belize. Many of the human rights challenges were complex, multi-sectoral and required a comprehensive interagency response.

The objectives of this retreat were to foster teambuilding and a renewed spirit of collaboration across UN agencies; review the previous year’s UNDAF progress; agree upon a list of joint activities and/or joint programs for 2008; and to agree on an action plan for follow-up including agreed interagency mechanisms, focal points, immediate next steps, etc.