Sheila Reed
Sheila Reed has over 20 years of experience in disaster risk reduction, emergency management and capacity development. She specializes in evaluation of emergency and development programs using a highly participatory approach that promotes utilization of recommendations. In 2005 – 06, she acted in team leadership positions to evaluate organizational responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami for CARE, World Vision and UNICEF. She evaluated programs in, among others, mine action, shelter, flood disaster preparedness, institutional and legislative systems for disaster management, humanitarian responses to complex emergencies and hurricane response. She has also conducted capacity assessments for CARE, UNDP, and GTZ. Sheila has written extensively on hazard mitigation, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and migration management and has developed training materials and workshops for Save the Children UK, UNDP, UNHCR, IOM, the World Bank, the War Torn Societies Project International and ALNAP, among others.