International Organization for Migration (IOM) Oct 2018
For IOM Nepal, Interworks developed a 3-day training including 1.5 days of simulation focusing on camp coordination and camp management. This project was conceived as part of IOM Nepal’s efforts to build the capacity of its partners in the Nepali Security Forces to support CCCM coordination and camp management, in response to a rapid onset natural disaster, in this case, a major earthquake scenario.
During the simulation, Nepali Security Forces, including Nepali Police, Nepali Army, and the Armed Police Force played a variety of government, military first response, and NGO roles, which interacted with over 20 different volunteer actors playing affected population, local government and donor roles. During the simulation they were required to coordinate and or interact with the camp coordination and camp management cluster and humanitarian emergency response to persons affected and displaced temporarily due to an earthquake. The focus of the action was on responding to the displacement in camps and the ensuing humanitarian needs, as well as the coordination and application of standards of this response, avoiding disparities between the camps, addressing gaps and duplication of services, addressing SGBVT and Child Trafficking issues, etc.
The value of information sharing, Importance of the role of all the stakeholders was highlighted, and the way IOM team supported and helped in understanding things was effective
– Workshop participant