Projects Europe

Simulation: IOM Simulation CCCM cluster start-up and strategy

International Organization for Migration (IOM) | Aug 2016

This Simulation Project was developed and conducted working closely with the IOM CCCM team as part of IOM’s efforts to build the capacity of its staff and partners to establish the CCCM cluster and develop the CCCM strategy in response to a rapid onset natural disaster, in this case, a typhoon scenario.

During the simulation participants apply what they have learned in a CCCM training, related to implementing the steps, structures, strategies, activities, protection issues, interagency dynamics involved in setting up, & co-leading the CCCM cluster in the aftermath of a sudden onset disaster.

The target group for this simulation were a mixed IOM global and regional audience comprised of IOM managers and staff including: chief-of-missions, heads-of-office, project managers, CCCM program managers, rapid response officers, DRR field officers, etc., who are in a position to direct, develop, manage or support CCCM strategies and projects.

Team building exercise highlighted strengths & weakness of IOM’s cap. Got people out of their comfort zone.

– Workshop participant