United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Apr 2015
InterWorks facilitated a Senior Emergency Leadership Programme (SELP) workshop event in Diovonne, France from 26 April to 1 May 2015.
The SELP was designed to strengthen the skills and knowledge of senior leaders for the challenges of leading the organisation’s refugee humanitarian operations, building strong networks within UNHCR and across the humanitarian partner agencies (including government counterparts), building stronger relationships and coordination among agencies, and fostering the development of best practices in humanitarian leadership and management. Core strategic leadership competencies included strategic vision, ability to prioritize, plan, organize and manage, critical judgment in emergencies, ability to build and motivate teams, ability to care for a team, emotional intelligence, ability to communicate and negotiate effectively, and the ability to analyze a situation and adapt one’s leadership approach.
The five-and-a-half day workshop’s training activities included role plays, table-top simulations, humanitarian negotiation exercises, influencing/networking exercises, and identification and discussion on various senior leadership experiences and challenges.
The overall course design worked well for this audience. No time was wasted, and the course material and the level of the presenters was very appropriate.
– Workshop participant.