United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) May 2017
InterWorks conducted a Preparedness Planning for Refugee Emergencies workshop in Bhurban, Pakistan from 2-5 May 2017.
This refugee emergency preparedness planning workshop was organized as a part of the overall UNHCR strategy for preparedness for possible refugee emergencies in line with the Preparedness Package for Refugee Emergencies (PPRE). The event presented participants with the most current materials and approaches as documented in the PPRE handbook.
This event was held as an interagency preparedness training as well as a plan-drafting workshop. The workshop participants were the de-facto working group tasked with developing the draft plan. A draft Refugee Emergency Preparedness Action Plan was developed by the working group along with the updated Minimum Preparedness Actions (MPAs), Advanced Preparedness Actions (APAs), and a scenario-based contingency plan for the primary refugee emergency influx planning scenario. The workshop was designed to achieve the following stated objectives:
- A greater awareness of effective, standards-based practices used in preparedness planning for refugee emergencies;
- Greater competence and confidence to facilitate a preparedness planning process and spearhead the drafting of refugee emergency preparedness action plan;
- Strengthened cooperation, and improved concerted humanitarian action in preparing for and responding to refugee emergencies in Pakistan;
- Concrete outputs to produce or refine refugee preparedness action plans for responding to refugee displacement emergencies.
The pace of the workshop helped all participants to contribute and the participatory approach adapted was really appreciated. Many thanks.
– Workshop participant