United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) May 2009
InterWorks conducted a UNHCR eCentre workshop in Honiara, Solomon Islands, 18-22 May, 2009. The workshop was developed to give participants a greater awareness of effective practices used in managing both man-made and natural large scale emergencies and disasters, and to strengthen cooperation, leading to improved concerted action in facing emergencies of all types, through mutual familiarity and understanding. Main themes of the workshop were:
• Major disaster threats affecting the region and comparison of natural and man-made emergency situations
• Disaster Assessment basics
• Technical areas or response to large scale disasters such as water, sanitation, food, shelter, and emergency logistics
• Distribution of emergency aid and assistance
• Coordination of large scale, multi-sectoral disaster response
• Managing information and working with the media
• Planning for preparation, mitigation, response, recovery and the longer term