International Organization for Migration (IOM) Emergency and Post Crisis Division Oct 2009
InterWorks facilitated the IOM Emergency and Post Crisis Division (EPC) Displacement, Camp Coordination and Protection workshop in Geneva, Switzerland from 11-16 October 2009. Twenty-seven participants from twenty-two countries attended this retreat.
The purpose of the course was to prepare IOM staff members to provide enhanced humanitarian response through: (i) Building capacity among staff members who either work in emergencies or have a desire to be part of the emergency team on IOM core activities and approaches in emergency response, (ii) exposing staff to the background, themes and operational realities of the current humanitarian reform framework and (iii) improving coordination and leadership skills among IOM staff through team building and consensus exercises.
The exercise was shockingly similar to reality and extremely well set-up and executed by the facilitators. It brought forth real feelings, dynamics and scenarios that will contribute to invaluable experience.
– Workshop participant