Projects North Africa & The Middle East

Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning Workshop

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | May 2015


InterWorks facilitated an eCentre Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning Workshop in Tehran, I.R. Iran from 17-18 May 2015 following a separate Training of Trainers event conducted with government counterparts from BAFIA and NDMO.

The primary goal of this event was to increase understanding of the UNHCR Preparedness Package for Refugee Emergencies (PPRE), including the minimum and advanced preparedness actions and the steps in developing scenario based contingency plans.

Participants were oriented to the UNHCR PPRE, specifically the minimum and advanced preparedness actions (MPAs and APAs), and were asked to consider how the UNHCR preparedness actions relate to the level of preparedness of their own organizations. Participants were also introduced to the IASC “Emergency Response Preparedness (ERP)” guidelines, which follow the same approach and are used for natural disaster preparedness actions. An overivew of UNHCR’s mandate and the difference between refugee operations and other IDP and humanitarian responses was also included. Participants walked through additional steps required for development of a scenario based contingency plan, including identification of resources, capacities and potential gaps including a discussion of the Refugee Coordination Model and its use in refugee operations and potentially in mixed situations.

I think it was a very good workshop and everything was just well presented in a very comprehensive way.

– Workshop participant
