Leading and Managing Change

Leadership Communication and Teams Workshops | Ongoing

lead and manage change

Research and experience both point to the high prevalence of flawed implementation and failure of organizational transformation initiatives and change projects – as high as 70% by some accounts. InterWorks designs, customizes and facilitates “Leading and Managing Change” workshops to enhance your leaders’ and managers’ ability to plan, lead and sponsor effective organizational change initiatives and projects. Read more

Leading Project Teams

Leadership Communication and Teams Workshops | Ongoing

leading project teams

InterWorks designs and facilitates training to improve your capacity to plan, lead and deliver successful projects by enhancing the quality, tools, timeliness, and consistency of your project and team leadership approach. Workshop topics include: fundamentals of project management, project planning and estimating budgets, minimizing project risks, time management and managing project workloads, leading your project team, meeting and surpassing client expectations, and project reporting. Read more