Nepal Monsoon flood emergency response simulation

USAID/DAI Tayar Nepal | May 2020

For the DAI |USAID funded Tayar Nepal Project, InterWorks developed a full simulation training package inclusive of the disaster scenario, critical injects, handouts and trainer instructions to support Nepali trainers in the local delivery of a 1-day simulation exercise aimed at enhancing critical stakeholder preparedness and response to a monsoon flood emergency, complicated by Covid-19 concerns. Read more

Security Risk Management Workshop

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) | Jan 2020

InterWorks conducted a Security Risk Management (SRM) workshop specifically for JICA personnel in Tsukuba, Japan from 8-10 January 2020 at the JICA Training Institute. Participants attending were from the Security Management Department at JICA HQs and from JICA Overseas Offices Participants from the overseas offices came from the Americas and the Caribbean (Haiti, Guatemala and Mexico) and Asia (Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan and Timor-Leste). Read more

Safety in the Field (SIF): Operating in Complex Security Environments Exercise

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) | Jun 2019

InterWorks conducted the eCentre’s Safety In the Field: Operating in Complex Security Environments Exercise, co-sponsored by the UNHCR eCentre and JICA, in southern Thailand from 9-15 June 2019. It was held at the Suan Son Pradipat Hotel and Fort Dhanarajata (formerly Fort Thanarat) training post in Thailand, with support from the Royal Thai Army per their longstanding arrangement with the UNHCR eCentre. Read more

Emergency Response Management and Leadership (ERML) Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Feb-Mar 2019

InterWorks conducted a Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop from 24 February-1 March 2019 at the BRAC Learning Centre (BLC) in Sreemongal, Bangladesh. The workshop was organized as a follow-on activity agreed by BRAC and the UNHCR eCentre following the successful delivery of the pilot Emergency Response Management and Leadership (ERML) event held near Dhaka, Bangladesh in December of 2018. Read more

Simulation: Nepali Security Forces: Camp Coordination and Camp Management

International Organization for Migration (IOM) | Oct 2018

For IOM Nepal, Interworks developed a 3-day training including 1.5 days of simulation focusing on camp coordination and camp management. This project was conceived as part of IOM Nepal’s efforts to build the capacity of its partners in the Nepali Security Forces to support CCCM coordination and camp management, in response to a rapid onset natural disaster, in this case, a major earthquake scenario. Read more