International Christian University Rotary Peace Center Feb 2015
InterWorks conducted a four-day training for the International Christian University Rotary Peace Center (ICU) Fellows studying peace-building, mediation and conflict resolution among other related topics. The sixteen ICU Fellows attended the course, held February 28 – March 3, 2015 on the university campus in Tokyo, Japan. InterWorks tailored the course to the specific knowledge and information needs of the students who will also be able to apply some of the humanitarian knowledge and skills in their mandatory internship/fellowship that they spend a period of in a post-conflict country working and interacting with various agencies, organizations and communities providing support to affected populations.
The course covered a broad range of aspects of humanitarian action including, amongst others, disaster risk analysis and preparedness, protection, using Sphere standards in various sectors (WASH, shelter, food/nutrition, health and education), humanitarian security risk management and international coordination. Various methodologies were employed e.g., a peacekeeping simulation tabletop exercise, coordination roleplays, small group discussions, disaster risk scenario-building, presentations and other techniques interchanged throughout.
Thank you very much for your effort and energy you put into the training… I am happy about that because always it is so hard to organize something to interest everyone.
– Workshop organizer