WEM Interactive Learning Modules

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Sep-Oct 2020

InterWorks developed five interactive learning modules as part of a core package of training modules that UNHCR was developing to support the overall redesigned UNHCR Workshop on Emergency Management (WEM) training programme for 2020. Each module was designed to take no more than 30 minutes to complete and were prepared following methodological approaches in line with EMLU’s guidance on development of interactive presentations. Read more

Remote Emergency Preparedness eLearning Self-directed Courses

International Organization for Migration (IOM) | Sep 2020

Comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Framework, developed by InterWorks LLC, September 2020. Based on UNISDR/UNOCHA “Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response: Guidance and Indicator Package for implementing Priority Five of the Hyogo Framework”

Interworks developed three remote emergency preparedness Articulate elearning self-directed courses and prepared workshop module outlines to support a blended learning disaster preparedness workshop consisting of online pre-workshop self directed activities, and a follow-up residential workshop. Training themes included: overview of emergency preparedness strategies and principles, interagency disaster preparedness frameworks and platforms, and resource mobilization.

Programme Criticality & Acceptable Risk eLearning Module

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Sep 2020

InterWorks developed an e-learning module as part of an SMLP package. The module “Programme Criticality & Acceptable Risk” included content pages, text, simple graphics and also interactive reflection questions or exercises, short tests or assessments of key concepts, links to key references, and where relevant and available, public domain or UNHCR produced images and short video clips embedded in the module itself or via links to readily available online content (such as on You Tube). Read more

Pakistan National Education Response and Resilience Plan for COVID-19

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) | Jun-Aug 2020

Young girls and boys attend their class in UNICEF supported Government primary school Kalpani dagger, Buner district Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan

The COVID-19 pandemic affected education and continuity of learning. Apart from 23 million out of school children, closure of education institutions due to COVID-19 has directly impacted 42 million school going learners from pre-primary and primary to higher secondary and degree college levels. Read more

Nepal Monsoon flood emergency response simulation

USAID/DAI Tayar Nepal | May 2020

For the DAI |USAID funded Tayar Nepal Project, InterWorks developed a full simulation training package inclusive of the disaster scenario, critical injects, handouts and trainer instructions to support Nepali trainers in the local delivery of a 1-day simulation exercise aimed at enhancing critical stakeholder preparedness and response to a monsoon flood emergency, complicated by Covid-19 concerns. Read more