Projects Asia & The Pacific

Contingency Planning Skills Workshop

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) | Mar 2012

InterWorks conducted a Contingency Planning Skills Workshop for The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) from 26-30 March 2012 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. This five day Contingency Planning Skills workshop was designed to help National Societies planners and trainers to better conduct their own local and national initiatives on Contingency Planning. It provided an overview of the new Federation “CP Package” of materials available to support contingency planning as well as an opportunity for practice and skills development with feedback from peers. The workshop also provided participants with adult education techniques in training and facilitation, and opportunities for practice and peer review. The workshop included the use of short PowerPoint presentations, individual and group exercises, and peer feedback and critique.

The group of participants included National Society delegations from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan. The workshop was highly participatory. The core skills practice sessions relied heavily on individual and small team practice training sessions which were videotaped and made available to the participants along with commentary and advice for improvement from the facilitators as well as the other participants.

After the workshop, InterWorks reviewed and updated the training materials for future contingency planning workshops. InterWorks wrote a Facilitator’s Guide as a companion to the workshop materials as well.

It was an excellent workshop, perfect combination of facilitators…

– Workshop participant