United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (UNDPKO) June 2010
InterWorks facilitated the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section “Annual Meeting for Best Practices Officers and Focal Points” from 14-17 June 2010 in New York. The general purpose of the meeting was to take stock of current and emerging HQ and field priorities for the Knowledge Management Team/BPOs-FPs and to improve communication and collaboration between the Best Practices Officers/Focal Points in the field and the Peacekeeping Best Practices section, and with other key DPKO sections at HQ.
Most sessions were designed as round-table discussions, usually starting with a presentation by a resource person followed by a “questions and answer” period and/or a discussion with invited guests from PBPS and other HQ sections. Session themes ranged from reviewing BP team achievements and challenges of the past 5 years, to considering various emerging HQ priorities and initiatives with implications for field missions (and BPOs/FPs), to having BPOs/FPs share their missions emerging priorities and BP success stories, to highlighting various areas of impact that BPO’s have had in their support of HQ and field missions.
Outstanding performance of the facilitator!
– Workshop participant