United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Jul 2023
UNHCR organized a Situational Emergency Training from 11-13 July 2023 in Bamako, Mali for the countries of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. The purpose of this SET was to strengthen the capacity of UNHCR and its partners in these countries to prepare, coordinate and better respond to mass displacement of IDPs and refugees, with a special focus on the crisis situation in Menaka region of Mali.
The workshop agenda was designed jointly by InterWorks, in close consultation with UNHCR DESS, Regional Bureau and UNHCR Mali. InterWorks prepared the first draft of the training materials including session plans, exercises and power point slides, and briefed the designated presenters on these materials, who were then responsible for modifying them further, based on their own preferences, experience and knowledge of the issues in the region. Presenters were given the option to have follow up discussions/support for their sessions with InterWorks.
Workshop session themes included: emergency scenarios, protection in emergencies, coordination structures in emergencies, data and information management, Sphere indicators, PSEA and emergency preparedness and contingency planning. All sessions were delivered in French