Projects Sub-Saharan Africa

Situational Emergency Training (SET)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Jan 2018

InterWorks designed and conducted a Situational Emergency Training (SET) workshop that was held in Cotonou, Benin from 23-25 January 2018. The SET was designed to strengthen the knowledge base of the participants and bolster the level of preparedness of UNHCR’s NGO and UN partners, and collaborative government agencies, in the context of the closure of the UNHCR Benin Office. Beyond the provision of relevant tools, the SET allowed participants to better understand their respective roles within the context of a coordinated response to a refugee influx and the role and capacity of UNHCR’s Regional Emergency Office. Additionally, the SET provided an opportunity for participants to review the January 2018 draft contingency plan for Togolese refugee influx and revise it based on an updated risk assessment.

[L’atelier a été bien organise, surtout avec une documentation bien fournie]The workshop was well organized, especially with well-stocked documentation.

– Workshop participant