Lynne Bethke

Lynne Bethke

Lynne Bethke has extensive training, research, planning and evaluation experience in the field of education in emergencies and early reconstruction. Through the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning she worked with the Ministry of Education in Afghanistan to help develop its first two National Education Strategic Plans and conducted a review of progress in the primary and secondary education sub-sector as part of the Education Joint Sector Review. She evaluated the UNESCO Programme of Emergency Support to the Education System in Gaza and the Myanmar Education Recovery Programme as well as the UNICEF tsunami response in the education sector in Indonesia and the UNHCR-Norwegian Refugee Council education agreement for stand-by staff. In addition she has extensive experience in designing and delivering security training for humanitarian workers. She has implemented training and capacity building programs for government education officials, UN and NGOs including UNESCO, UNESCO-IIEP, UNHCR, UNICEF and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE).