United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Dec 2015
InterWorks conducted a Situational Emergency Training (SET) on Refugee Influx in Uganda from 30 November-3 December 2015 in Entebbe, Uganda. The workshop was co-funded by UNHCR and WFP with funding from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID). Forty-one participants responsible for addressing the various needs of refugees and other persons of concern in Uganda – representing the Government of Uganda/Office of the Prime Minister/Refugee Department, NGOs, UNHCR, WFP, and other UN agencies – attended the four day emergency training. The specific objective was to facilitate better coordination among all relevant sector actors in preparation for a potential large scale refugee influx from Burundi, South Sudan and DRC into Uganda. The SET was designed, in part, to help establish an inter-agency emergency response roster at the Uganda level and served as a first step in the establishment of such a roster. The training provided at the SET would allow UNHCR to enhance their cadre of deployable and trained colleagues in a flexible way, wherever the refugee emergency response needs are greatest within Uganda.
The workshop was led by an organizational team consisting of InterWorks and UNCHR Global Learning Center (GLC) and Kampala based staff. The training was primarily facilitated by two of InterWorks’ facilitators, with the assistance of the UNCHR/GLC and Kampala-based staff of UNHCR and WFP. This facilitation team was bolstered by seven resource persons working in Uganda and the Great Lakes region, who were identified by UNHCR and WFP country offices in Uganda.
This workshop was highly practical and participatory, and served to illustrate the importance of coordination in emergency response. In so doing, this workshop informally served as a first step in the establishment of an inter-agency emergency response roster at the Uganda level.
The trainers/facilitators used a very good and excellent approach to motivation, knowledge sharing, learning. They gave room for sharing ideas and effective communication. Much appreciated.
– Workshop participant