Projects Asia & The Pacific

Basics of International Humanitarian Response (BIHR)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Oct 2004

InterWorks conducted a UNHCR eCentre Workshop on the Basics of International Humanitarian Response (BIHR) in Narita, Japan from 18-28 October 2004. The workshop provided specific individual and group training in the skills and basic knowledge for working efficiently at the field level in a large international humanitarian operation. The workshop is designed for UN, NGO, and government counterparts who would likely coordinate their activities in such operations. The training included daily radio practice, a focus on refugee protection, security, and other specific skills needed by those working in international humanitarian operations such as teamwork, meeting and communication skills. The participants were drawn from UNHCR, government and NGO counterparts of UNHCR in 7 countries in the Asia Pacific region.

This has been an excellent programme. I cannot commend it more. The organization has been faultless. The presenters and content input flawless & overall program perfectly run & managed and delivered & planned.

– Workshop participant