Projects Asia & The Pacific

Training of Trainers (TOT)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Feb 2014

InterWorks conducted a six-day Training of Trainers (ToT) workshop for UNHCR in Bhurban, Pakistan from 10-15 February 2014. The event trained 24 potential UNHCR and Partner trainers from Pakistan in a package of refugee emergency training materials designed to familiarize trainees with emergency response norms, core concepts of refugee protection, international standards and indicators applicable to refugee emergency operations. The content of the training package also included information and skills practice exercises on coordination and emergency management issues.

The workshop included an overview and modeling of a package of interactive training sessions designed to help prepare mid-level humanitarian staff to better respond to refugee emergencies. It included short sessions on the basics of presenting and facilitating training sessions, and time for participant skills practice and feedback. This event also provided time for the revision of prepared training materials to further tailor them to the Pakistan context and build a sense of ownership amongst the core group of inter-agency trainers. Practice sessions for workshop participants were supported with feedback from peers and instructors.

Very good to be trained by professional trainers – learning about facilitation skills will be applicable for any other settings as well.

– Workshop participant