Projects Asia & The Pacific

Emergency and Disaster Management Workshop

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Aug 2007

InterWorks conducted a 5-day workshop in Janpath, New Delhi from 27 – 31 August, 2007, on the topic of refugee emergency and natural disaster management. This was the second such workshop offered in Delhi under the auspices of UNHCR and the Indian National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM). The approach was designed to share information and build networks to support the wider SAARC Regional Disaster Management initiative. Participants included government officials, NGO representatives, Red Cross officials, and UN staff with responsibilities for disaster response in their respective countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

Disaster management, being a multi-disciplinary and huge task is not easy to execute. International, regional cooperation for emergency preparedness and response plan in disaster management is very essential. So this was the important forum to share our experience. Thanks for great job of the organizers.

– Workshop participant