Projects Asia & The Pacific

IASC Education Cluster – Regional Capacity Development with Ministries of Education

International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)/UNESCO | Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) | Oct 2009

InterWorks conducted a pilot training workshop as an orientation to the global IASC education cluster and to issues related to risk reduction and preparedness for conflicts and disasters. The workshop, hosted by the UNESCO regional office, was held in Bangkok, Thailand and was conducted from 12-14 October 2009.

Twenty-two participants from six countries (Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) attended the workshop. Participants completed a pre-workshop capacity analysis survey to begin assessing their capacity development needs in advance of the workshop. During the workshop, the survey was used during the reflections on additional capacity development needs. A follow-on activity was also completed based on the needs and priorities of participants that are identified during the workshop.

The workshop drew on a range of training methodologies and facilitation techniques, including short presentations, group work, facilitated discussions, a simulation/role play exercise and one case study that was presented by the Ugandan team. Participants were encouraged to participate actively and to share concrete examples from their own countries.