United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Oct 2006
InterWorks, along with the UNHCR eCentre and RedR Australia, facilitated the Basics of International Humanitarian Response Workshop in Pranburi, Thailand from 13 – 21 October 2006. Also known as the “Hands-On” workshop, the workshop included direct field skills training in radio usage, coordination meeting skills, GPS map reading and first aid skills, among other things.
The course was about evenly divided in focus between these types of field skills, and basic information and approaches to the typical technical field sectors of response and the coordination of these sectors into an overall humanitarian response programme. The Royal Thai Army at Camp Thanarat provided excellent field training resources which made the major field simulation element of the course a success.
I learned the difficulties to coordinate in an emergency, and the difficulty in catching up after “leave” – the media exposure was great .
– Workshop participant