International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Jan 2012
InterWorks assisted the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in the development of disaster response standard operating procedures (SOP) for their Global Secretariat from January to May, 2012. The SOPs are intended to streamline coordination of IFRC response to major disasters where additional resources and capacity may be needed from across different regions and from Geneva.
To develop these SOPs, InterWorks conducted a consultative workshop with their Zone Disaster Management Coordinators and Geneva staff to identify critical elements of their current operations, successful operations, coordination and communication issues and overall challenges they face in implementing disaster response globally.
Following the workshop, InterWorks interviewed key informants in IFRC around the globe as well as Red Cross/Red Crescent national societies to collect additional information and perspectives in order to shape the SOPs.