Projects North Africa & The Middle East

Strategic Planning Retreat

United Nations System Staff College | United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) | Oct 2010

InterWorks facilitated the UNDAF Strategic Planning Retreat for the UNCT-Syria in Damascus, Syria from 13-14 October 2010.

The meeting was consultative and the group achieved general consensus around 3-4 priority areas for the UNDAF. There was good participation by non-resident agencies and attendance by government, civil society and donor representatives.

The workshop made effective use of plenary and group work, balancing the need for both. Plenary was used primarily to present key themes and concepts, answer clarifying questions, introduce the group work and draw each session or exercise to a conclusion. Small groups were used to encourage debate and discussion on the themes presented in plenary, as well as to complete the various UNDAF priority and outcome related exercises.