Projects Latin America & The Caribbean

Human Rights Based Approach to Programming Workshop

United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) | May 2010

InterWorks conducted two workshops the week of May 3-7, 2010 in Santo Domingo. Conducted in Spanish, the workshops by their Spanish title were called, “Enfoque de derechos humanos en los procesos de desarollo y programacion nacional”.

The first workshop, with 30 participants, was conducted for UN agency staff and emphasized the application of the HRBA within the context of the CCA/UNDAF analysis and results-based planning process, because these are of greater practical relevance for the UN participants. Agencies sending participants to this first workshop included UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP, FAO, IOM, OCHCR, ILO, UNESCO, PAHO, ONUSIDA, UNHCR and INSTRAW. The second workshop, with 22 participants, was conducted for UN national counterparts from government and non-governmental organizations.

The workshop objectives for both were to understand the rights-based approach in development programs and planning processes and the linkages to the national development plan. The workshop methodology was dynamic, and included a balance of presentations and group-work exercises where participants had to apply the theory and tools learned during the presentations.

‘Todo el contenido es de gran importancia. Lo mas relevante es el proceso metodológico. (paso a paso) y su aplicación a la realidad de la Republica Dominicana.’

All content is of great importance. The most relevant is the methodological process. (step by step) and its application to the reality of the Dominican Republic.

– Workshop participant