Projects Worldwide

Green Recovery and Reconstruction Toolkit Training Program

World Wildlife Fund | 2009


InterWorks led the coordination and development of ten standalone one-day modules on the priority topics related to environmental protection for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). WWF is a leader in efforts to protect the environment. The organization recognized that conflicts and disasters often have severe negative impacts on the environment, exacerbating the losses to communities and individuals and which make recovery even more difficult. A survey of the vast amount of training available that addresses disaster and refugee emergency management found that there was none that focused on integrating environmental issues into recovery planning and operations. InterWorks engaged several individuals with the unique combination of skills in adult training, environmental management and disaster response to develop 20-30 page guidelines on each topic as well as a trainer’s guide to support workshops ranging from a half day to a full day. In addition, InterWorks worked with WWF to pilot test all of the modules at workshops in Sri Lanka and Indonesia in 2010.

The modules developed for this training program were:

– Introduction to Green Recovery and Reconstruction
– Project Design, Monitoring and Evaluation
– Environmental Impact Assessment Tools and Techniques
– Strategic Site Selection and Development
– Materials and the Supply Chain
– Construction
– Water and Sanitation
– Livelihoods
– Disaster Risk Reduction
– Organizational Operations