Projects Worldwide

Leading and Managing Change

Leadership Communication and Teams Workshops | Ongoing

lead and manage change

Research and experience both point to the high prevalence of flawed implementation and failure of organizational transformation initiatives and change projects – as high as 70% by some accounts. InterWorks designs, customizes and facilitates “Leading and Managing Change” workshops to enhance your leaders’ and managers’ ability to plan, lead and sponsor effective organizational change initiatives and projects.

Participants in this training will also learn strategies and apply tools to help them anticipate, lead and manage the “people side of change”, effectively identify and manage resistance and reinforce the change required. Regardless of whether your change initiative is an inspiring leadership development program, a new business process, a new IT tool, or a novel career management system, your initiative is likely to underperform, or fail outright, without proper change management processes to anticipate and effectively manage the “people-side of change”. Ultimately, if people don’t change, or don’t adopt or utilize the change, then it doesn’t matter what specific technical, structural or business process changes are planned or implemented. The ROI of a change project is only realized when people adapt and follow the new process, or use the new system, as it was intended.